We had so much fun role-playing as Emperor Father, Mother, and Chick Penguins on a giant iceberg on Friday! We role-played keeping emperor eggs safe on our feet, away from the ice and warm under our feathers with the penguins we made on Thursday. When Mother Penguins got tired of keeping their eggs safe, the Father Penguins let the Mothers take a break and go dive into the icy cold ocean for penguin food: krill, squid and fish!

Soon enough, the emperor eggs were ready to hatch! We were surprised to find baby chicks with fluffy
downy feathers inside to keep them warm. Again, we protected them from the ice on our
brood patch. We learned in our reading this week that chicks don't grow
waterproof feathers until they are adults. Then, they are ready to jump into the ocean to find their own food.

After our fun of acting-out penguin life, we got to watch
The March of the Penguins for
Fantastic Fun Friday!!! We sat in wonder as we watched real-life penguins waddle, slide on their bellies, and march, just as we'd been reading about in our expository stories. It was incredible! We can't wait to continue our penguin reading this week, and finish the movie at Fantastic Fun Friday next week!